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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

COVID Booster Shot - is it necessary

 What are significant differences between COVID-19 virus and the seasonal influenza virus? 

We were told to get flu shot every year, because the influenza virus mutates, or “drift” over time.  The scientists are developing yearly formulated vaccine to counter projected on the “mutated” virus. 

So far, the major COVID-19 vaccine development was designed for the original virus out of Wuhan China.  18 months since the vaccine development, and 12 months since FDA approval on the emergency use authorization, COVID-19 has evolved, mutated, and drifted into significant variants.   


We were told flu shot vaccine from last year don’t work well with this year influenza virus.  It is not surprised that the original COVID-19 vaccine isn’t working as well against covid 19 beta gamma delta with each of mutation; and the first-generation vaccine showing decline efficacy over each mutation. 


So, when does the original vaccine become irrelevant against 4th, 5th mutated virus? When does getting booster shoot will have an advantage from contracting virus over simply maintaining social distancing and good hand washing and broad acceptance of masking? 

We have more people died this year than the time when we don’t have vaccine. Why CDC and scientist won’t publish or conduct any study in this regard? Why 60-70% of vaccinated population don’t slow down the spread? 



Why CDC don’t talk about covid therapeutics drugs on treating COVID-19? 

When CDC don’t talk about young adult experience more serious side effect and death from vaccination, while voted to vaccinate young children for pharma company profit  

Why FDA is allowing Pfizer to withhold vaccinated data for 50 years? Is there something we shouldn’t know? 

Why don’t we have updated vaccine like we have on the influenza? Why FDA isn’t approving anymore new drug? 

Many people have reservation on this new type of vaccination - I.e. m-RNA.  I don’t want to inject myself more of this type of vaccine while Pfizer hides the medical results for 50 years.  Maybe we could be off with continuation of social distancing, masking, hand washing and topping off the flight with early therapeutic drugs.