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Monday, October 4, 2010

Vehicle Inspection for a Long Trip

Vehicle Inspection for a Long Trip

We all have seen cars broke down along Interstates.  Experts and car shops suggest that vehicle should be checked out be a qualified mechanics for taking on  a long trip.  What make the "long trip’ different from the many short "week days" trip we take?

If you car is in good shape, it unlikely it will go wrong because of prolong driving, but it’s unexpected failure.  What I think make a car stressed out on a long-prolong driving is HEAT.

1. Tires - bad tires generate a lot of heat, improperly inflated tires generate excessive heat
2. Coolant - the cool wind draft from highway driving may not be enough for compensate for bad radiator
3. Cracked radiator hoses  & belts - well go figure.
4 Overloaded vehicle - caused the transmission to work harder, tires to blow out

Top up all fluids
1. coolant
2. battery (have it checked out, if it's over 3 years old)
3. power steering
4. transmission
5. engine
6. brake
7. rear differential
8  wind shield