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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do car dealers really want to buy my car back?

I received a letter in the mail saying my car dealer wants to buy my used car because of current market condition.  The offer is attractive, and I went to the dealer to check out their offer too.  It's real. What's next?

If they offer to pay preminum for my used one, then so as the cost of new cars.  But it is funny that the dealer was willing to pay more than what I paid, even though I added 14,500 miles since.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oil Change, Mazda 6 - Simpliest

Changing oil on a passenger car is not as easy as SUV or truck.  With low ground clearance and hard to reach oil filter in tight spot justifies for a professional service.

The Mazda Mazda6 changes all of that.  The drain plug can be reach with my 6 foot body frame, the filter is right behind the radiator and it points straight down with a large cut-out in lower splash/aerodynamic guard.

The zoom zoom makes car driver a car driver and loving the idea of making car serviceable by an average Joe.