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Monday, August 10, 2009

My Understanding of Health Care (Part 2 of 3)

By Joe Gokaho/2009.08.010 D1

Medicare – works great?
On average, the government pays out over $700 a month per person to private insurance company for the Medicare Advantage Program. Medicare Part B demands another $90 month on the premium, totaling $10,000 a year (directly and in-directly) per person.

To avoid the pitfall of co-pays and out of pocket expenses in Medicare, people general purchase “Medicare Gap” insurance to cover that. People can’t afford the insurance are running a risk of “IOU” to our medical systems.

If there is no consequences for not paying the medical bill (people have limited assets, or had diverted assets to their charities, children already), then why buy the “Medicare Gap” insurance?

In my life time, (say working from age 20 through 65 - $50,000 year @ 1.45% tax rate) , all my FICA contributions had earned 3% in return-keeping up with inflation, my personal "FICA account" doesn’t even come close to the fund my $10,000 a year/medical bill for the next 15 years. Where do we find the extra money in my "FICA fund" to support Medicaid?

American life – worth more than anywhere else
Everywhere else in the world, everyone is aware a “value” associated with human life. Only in the America, a human life is priceless – we will devote endless resources to save one’s life, improve one’s quality of life. Outside of America, only the wealthy appreciates the concept of “prices less Medicare”, maybe that’s why only American are creating new, real practical life saving health care technology.

Being Americans, we are not in tuned with ‘cost’ associated delivery of health care. Because rich and poor all get quality care in emergency situation, regardless your ability to pay.
In European system, like Spain, the social security benefit tax rate is (30.5%), twice of American tax rate. And everyone pays into the systems.

Will we embrace European systems, doubling our current FICA tax rate of (15.3%) to (30.5%) to fund the “universal health care plan”?

Will you be happy to have your salary reduced from $100,000 a year salary down to $85,000 a year? For $15,000 a year, I can buy up a lot of insurance on my own.

Will you be happy to give up part of your $40,000 job to have medical insurance? May be, I am sick with pre-existing medical condition. If I am healthy, giving up $6,000 year of pay, it seems like a dumb trade-off.