I am preparing a material list (or budget) for a bathroom remodeling. Running new plumbing with copper pipes seems to be a better choice than PVCs when it is used as water supply line.
When checking out the various 1/2" 3/4" copper pipes, I encounter the "classification" codes,
type 'M' (thin; typically only allowed as drain pipe by IPC code),
type 'L' (thicker, standard duty for water lines and water service), and
type 'K' (thickest, typically used underground between the main and the meter)
The price difference between the M and L aren't that great, $2.50 per 10 ft of pipes. For $50 more, I could have 200 ft of pipes I need to do two bathroom. Why taking the risk of using "M"? For draining, I though PVC schedule 40 should do the job. Why use copper pipe for drain??