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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AT&T Offers $10 DSL Plan

I was helping out a friend with computing / Internet so she can stay in touch with her daughter who’s studying aboard. Without a computer and limited Internet experience making recommendation was an interesting challenge. (Costs, Costs and bang for the buck).
I recall years ago, AT&T offered a basic DSL service for $14.95. It was call SBC-Yahoo. Of course, SBC is now AT&T (or the official name - at&t). The basic DSL offered at the time was about 768K down/384K up. That was good enough pretty much for everything I did before the now endless online streaming video and web pages laden with Java and Flash.

The new offers of $10 A Month is loaded with lot of restrictions, and the "Free Installation Kit" is gone. Check out this link for details or
Downstream Speed: Up to 768 Kbps
Upstream Speed: Up to 384 Kbps
When I terminated my DSL service, SBC didn’t ask me to return the equipment. I am glad that I saved the old equipment, because the $10 DSL Plan doesn’t include a FREE DSL Modem. You have to buy it now for $49.
I passed on the old equipment and save her $49.
Heavy users like myself, the higher bandwidth associated with even higher fees seem to be reasonable. But just checking email, may be limited use of Skype (VOIP / IM) –the $10 Plan may even seems a bit expensive.