Strolling through Costco dog food aisle and see the brand names (ones you hear/see on radio & TV) costs almost twice as much as the Costco brand, pound for pound. I begin to wonder whether dog food is branded like the generic Ibuprofen versus Advil’s Ibuprofen.
I lifted the $40 bag dry dog food next to the Costco’s $20 and started to compare the ingredients shown on labels. They were nearly identical. Once key part of the labeling language differs from our food labeling – “contain no less than” – what does it really mean?
Mixing the wet dog food with the dry dog food seems to work for couple months, now he turns that down too. The bad part is the “dry” & “wet” make the food soggy – not very pleasant to look at.
The latest concoction I found
It seems like a big taboo having too many egg yokes in a day. Bad for your heart – according to the tv experts. I can only wonder why Spaniard still enjoy that a dozen egg omelet dish. How many egg yokes is too many for dog to have in a day. I can’t get a consistent answer from googlng the web.
I will tentatively (an un-educated guess) set the limit to 2 a day for my 60 pound 27 kg dog.