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Friday, July 31, 2009

Trillions and Billions – New “Big” Number on Government Budgets

Billion was a big number when I was growing up, now the trillion is the new big number. It’s hard for me to think that the NEW “Big” number is 1000 times bigger than the OLD “Big” number – in a short 30 years span. Freakonomics?

Hearing government spending a billion here and couple billions there and 500 billion on special programs – I don’t know whether our government spending is out of control.
Here is my way of thinking of number factors
Inflation rate – $100 in the 1980 worth about $200 today
Population growth – Spending $1 on every American costs $226 millions in 1980, Spending $1 on every American today, it costs $307 millions (I don’t know whether 307 millions include illegal or not)
Most of the budgets growth is proportion to the size of general population. The budget for school, roads, police grow as number of people depends on the service increases.
Some of them shouldn’t grow, in theory. Budget to run the White House and congress should stays the same, the number senators and representatives don’t change. The military budget and PBS stations should stay about the same – the US territory hasn’t change (although threat to our country may have changed), the number of PBS stations/PBS programs stay about the same.
In 1980 – $100 million program is about $200 million in 2009. If this $100 million was spent on population consumption programs (i.e. policing), then it’s about $280 million programs.
When I hear a 1 trillion dollar program on prescription drug program, I should think it is same as a
$700 billons in 2000 or
$500 billons in 1990 or
$350 billons in 1980.
# # #
There are so many nearly trillion dollar programs today, but I rarely recall any spending programs over $100 billions mark in 1980’s. I would argue that our government has a spending problem. If all conditions are the same as before, we need to cut what ever the budget we have by at least 2/3, by making the budget spending level like we had in the 80’s.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Understanding of Health Care Costs (Part 1 of 3)

Basic concept 101

1. If you need medical service, you will have to pay for it (singularly or collectively), it’s not free yet– we are not communists.
2. There is an asking price “for PROVIDING medical service”, and there is a marketing price “for PAYING medical service”.
3. If there is 3rd party involvement - insurance, government (capitalist, communist, socialist), the exchange of service/goods are strictly just between the “PROVIDER AND RECEIVER”. “buyer and seller”.
4. Government, insurance, HMO, PPO, wealthy (pay out of pocket individuals), bureaucrats, finance, capitalist come to play, and alter the “provider and receivers” relationship. In a real world of free market, medical service providers and patients come to a “price” both sides can agree upon.
Basic concept 201
1. Insurance – is a risk sharing program. The participants put money into the pool of fund, in hope that collectively – if needed, the “collectives” will assist financially to individual receiving benefits. As a whole, the total outgoing “premium, out of pocket expense” shall equal to payments demanded by the service provider.
2. Service provider is a self sustaining entity. The money collected through donation, and fees shall be adequately cover ongoing expense – such as payroll, facility, equipment, medications etc. Regardless whether each individual transaction/medical service equates to actual payments in full or not.

Basic concept 301
1. Insurance policy – is for people going /or are willing to share the total medical expense with others (people you know or don’t know about). If you don’t want to share the financial risks, – you can always pay it out of your own pocket.
2. Everyone wants free medical service – or pay a little as possible and get as much service as he can. People rarely use medical services (young, or healthy), as a group, are paying a lot less than people use medical service often (old or unhealthy, people with medical risks).
3. Young and healthy, people are likely to afford medical expenses “collectively”, where as older, and high risks people, collectively received a lot of medical services are usually exceeds their ability to pay.
4. Every medical service providers want to make a few extra dollars too. They can setup shops, demanding “proof of financial responsibility” before rendering service. In most cases, medical service is not free. But in our society, it hard to deny medical care for others purely because of financial reason – inability to pay.
5. Medical service providers are run like businesses - completing for “good” patients who can afford their services. Getting better equipments, providing newer treatments, paying more to get more qualified staff are resulting higher costs for services rendered.
6. In the other extreme, If new breed of service providers, use second hand equipment and load up its usage, stick to older may be proven but not as successful treatments, higher younger/lower labor costs staff? Will it lower have “broader range” of good patients?

NEXT WEEK - Human Behavior and Medical expense?

Managing Semi-Broken Washing Machines

I received a pair of used Kenmore heavy duty washer and dryer machines from my parents when I moved into my first house. It works out great for me because it is a gas dryer. When doing laundry, I don’t separate colors, fabric. I do my weekly laundry all in one load – cold water, normal cycle; I just try to be green – saving water.

In the past couple years; I notice the top ½ of the agitator no longer spins. When I do a full load, I feel I need to do pre-soak, and wash the load twice to get my cloth cleaned. I am debating whether to fix or replace the washer, the new one isn't as durable as old Kenmore. New ones start to breakdown (within 3-4 years). I am happy to continue to use the 20 year-old washer until it’s dead, dead.
# # #
As I figuring out over the past year, I changed the way I do my laundry so I get most (use the least) with this broken machine.
1. Separate the laundry by the size of cloth. ½ load of all shirts, socks, and underwear actually works out better than doing loads by color. Smaller garments have a chance really “roughing” with each other - doing real “agitating” .
2. Don’t over stuff heavy items –like big drying towels jeans or bed sheets. They soak up a lot of water; need a lot of space to “roughing and tumbling” in the washer.
3. Use dryer for underwear, light weight, smaller items & heavy items –like jeans and towels. Cloth don’t dry well when I place too many large items – there is no room to “fluff” – venting out moistures.
4. Hang dry shirts because they are easy to handle (to hang) the moistures evaporate quickly over night (12 hours or so). In an air conditioned room (hot summer day), or cold winter days – the humidity in a room is less than 50%. – maintain a decent air circulation, cloth dries quickly.
5. Use liquid fabric softener or fresheners if you plan to “hang dry”
6. In a hot summer day 95°F , sun dry towels, sheets & jeans.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

► Processing Digital Pictures

Today's digital camera takes high resolution (high pixel count) pictures; the image size and number of images (collectively) make the "post processing" a very challenge task.

Over the years, I developed my 7-Step of processing digital images.
1. Download everything from the memory card; protect the original and Call this set as "original copy"
2. Make a copy of “original copy” as a “working copy”.
▲ The processing will be working off this set, then I am free to delete or manipulate files in this set. If I really screwed up here, I can always go back to the "original copy" for the "original file" again.

3. From the working copy, delete obvious ones you don't want to keep. I will delete files without reservation on pictures that are out of focus, wrong subject matter, off colors, wrong lighting that can’t be fixed.. What’s left in t1his set - the pictures "worthy" of my time to "process"/"Photoshop".
4. Export the "working copy" set to a resolution of 1600dpi. Call this set "Project Backup Set".
▲ 1600 dpi is good enough for reproducing high quality 4x6 5x7 photographs. The purpose of this "project backup set" is to archive ALL your work without the bloated file size. For example; The original set of 2-3gb memory card are reduced to 250mb or so (1/10 of original size).
5. Using the "Working copy" - reduce the number of photo. The remaining photos shall be
▲ No repeat, no similar topics/subject matter
▲ Telling an interesting story or telling a longer version of the same story

6. "Photoshop" the final selection to my liking - by "adjusting color, lighting, contrast, highlights", "cropping photos". Save this "post processed set of photos as "Project Photos"
7. I will pick no more than 24-36 photos (a roll of film) from the "project photos", and I call it the "my coffee table book" - cream of the crop.

So, by the end, I will keep 3 folders/sets of photos:
a. A coffee table quality photos (no more than 36)
b. A project photos - adjusted/cropped - full resolution
c. A "project backup set - un-touched, but reduced resolution

I will let the software to tag my "project photos" folders, but not the "coffee table album, nor the

▲ ▲ ▲
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Monday, July 27, 2009

► Finding a Perfect Spot to Mount Portable GPS

I am intrigue by how others mount their portable GPS devices on vehicles. All of us have experienced all kinds of problems with the setup, like - the power cord is in the way or too short, the dash board is not flat, suction cups aren’t strong enough to handle the vibration.

My new favorite spot for mounting "light weight, 3-4”" GPS unit is left to rear view mirror This spot offers several advantages
► It’s natural for us to look into the rear view mirror. The location is not “new”, Experienced drivers don't have to alter normal driving habit.
► Eye level peripheral vision is not block. I mounted my GPS on the high side (to flush with the bottom of the rear view mirror. The normal out looking vision remains about the same.
► Easy reach for enter info - change setting while driving (it’s neither recommended nor encouraged). The location allows you to use peripheral vision to stay on the road, while performing tasks on GPS.
► This location also offers the shortest distance (out reach) between you and the device The outreach distance is actually shorter than mounting the device above the dash board.

# # #

Here are some popular spots:
▼ Upper left comer - mechanics leave oil change reminder stickers here. I think the position is less obstructive toward outward vision, but it takes your eyes off the road quiet a bit.
▼ Lower left comer - the inspection and registration stickers are located here. Many of dash board instrument pods often protrude in corners and blending into the A-pillar, making the GPS mounting point more close to the middle of the dash board. Then GPS takes up/(blocks) my peripheral vision for normal driving.
▼ Above middle of dashboard - I think this spot is similar to most OEM/In-Dash GPS receiver, but either the mounting suction cups or GPS block the large portion of outward vision. Some cars are worst than others, depending on the type of the vehicle (slope of windshield). GPS units can also set too far back, making operating and reading GPS nearly impossible

Friday, July 24, 2009

► Low Cost – Online Conference Call

I am searching for an inexpensive online conference call setup. The best/most bang for the buck I can find is Skype Any conference call can have the host plus four participants, and these can be either people using Skype or calling in on a landline or mobile.
The flexibility is great, if everyone can get online – the costs from all participants are practically – free.
WebEx , GoToMeeting are two very popular premium services for online conference. Voice and video conferencing with the ability to see “host/presenter desktop” is definitely worth the fee.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

► Sin Free Without Leprosy

Leprosy was used to symbolize sins in the Bible, see Matthews 8:2. The term “Leprosy” was mentioned 68 times – according to my PocketPC Bible study guide – running on Windows Mobile 6.1 AT&T HTC Tilt smart phone. I presume the term “Leprosy” was referring to the infectious skin disease.
I searched the Internet for photos on leprosy, some of the symptoms were pretty disgusting, and others were more bearable to watch. Reading the bible passage, I had an impression that leprosy was common illness in the past, but how did we discover treatment and eliminated the disease among us.
# # # #
Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen, a Norwegian scientist, first discovered the Mycobacterium leprae , the cause of leprosy in 1873. Antibiotics like rifampin, dapsone, and clofazimine are used in combination to treat leprosy – bacteria – aka Hansen’s disease.
Here is the interesting part - Mycobacterium leprae are part of the family Mycobacteriaceae. This is the same family as the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Can one associate densely populated developing nations with the epidemic spread of TB and leprosy?
Quote #1 “The number of new leprosy cases detected worldwide was 763,917; 96 cases occurring in the United States were reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)”
Quote #2 “The World Health Organization (WHO) listed Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Nepal as having 90 percent of leprosy cases that year. “
It’s shocking statistic to me, that over763,000 new leprosy cases were detected in 2002. In a world population growth of 75-80 million/year, it translates the leprosy infection rate of 1 in 100. Wow – tuberculosis and leprosy aren’t going away anytime soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

► Did I Unknowingly Purchase A Replica (Fake) Swiss Watch?

I watched mom went through several malfunctioned watches, I was determined to buy a nicer watch (it has to be a brand name watch). I was disappointing that my first “watch” gift to her – the classic Seiko watch stopped working after 12 years.

Our family members never owned Swiss made watches. I have no idea what the marketing slogan “Swiss Movement” is about. It tells time?

First, I was shocked by the prices of “entry level” Swiss watches, and good looking ones are in the $1,000 range. How’s that $50 Timex Iron Man watch now? Iron man watch seems to be more functional, durable. For the $1,000 watch, I could practically have a new Timex on my wrist every 2-3 years for rest of my life.

Then it hits me, owning a Swiss watch is not about telling time, it's about wearing a piece jewelry that also tells time.

I settled on a Tissot Titanium 3-dials chronograph watch. I surprised mom with the replacement watch as a Christmas gift. Three years later, the watch stopped working and it’s time replace the battery, right? As turn out it has “Swiss Movement” mechanical problems. The local watch shop won’t touch/warranty the repairs. Without warranty the local shop still wants $140 for making the attempt on repairing it. Tissot official repair shop – estimates the repair around $200.

As I google for alternative source of repair, I came across several replica Tissot watch sites that offer the exact same design watch. The replicas are going for almost as much as the one I had paid for The price listed on Amazon merchant partner (genuine, I assume it’s from authorized dealer) was twice I had paid. I wonder whether I got the genuine artifact at a great discount, or I had just unknowingly purchased a FAKE high $$ watch with nice wooden Tissot watch box.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Discovering Dog Food Nutrition Labeling - Costco Kirkland

Strolling through Costco dog food aisle and see the brand names (ones you hear/see on radio & TV) costs almost twice as much as the Costco brand, pound for pound. I begin to wonder whether dog food is branded like the generic Ibuprofen versus Advil’s Ibuprofen.
I lifted the $40 bag dry dog food next to the Costco’s $20 and started to compare the ingredients shown on labels. They were nearly identical. Once key part of the labeling language differs from our food labeling – “contain no less than” – what does it really mean?
Murray – the family dog once turned down the doggie biscuit treats from the Vet office when he was 10 weeks old. Now he wouldn’t eat plain-o-dry dog food, unless I leave him cold without treats for days.
Mixing the wet dog food with the dry dog food seems to work for couple months, now he turns that down too. The bad part is the “dry” & “wet” make the food soggy – not very pleasant to look at.
The latest concoction I found Murray enjoys – hard boiled eggs. I dice up egg white, and break up egg yoke by hand, mix them up with dry dog food pallets. It seems to work for now.
It seems like a big taboo having too many egg yokes in a day. Bad for your heart – according to the tv experts. I can only wonder why Spaniard still enjoy that a dozen egg omelet dish. How many egg yokes is too many for dog to have in a day. I can’t get a consistent answer from googlng the web.
I will tentatively (an un-educated guess) set the limit to 2 a day for my 60 pound 27 kg dog.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fast Food From Costco

I passed by the meat aisle often, stood there and watched hundred chickens turnning on several large rotisserie ovens. It never crossed my mind that Costco is the place for prepared food. The local largest grocer, HEB, offers rotisseries in multiple flavors. Even though the birds are smaller than ones from Costco (at least, from size of chicken container), HEB rotisserie chicken has more flavor to my taste buds.
Here is a simple menu for 4 using items found at Costco:
*Rotisseries Chicken $5.00 (1 chicken)
* Uncle Ben’s instant rice in 90 seconds $2.50 (2 packs)
* Shrimp Wonton Soup $6.00 (4 cups) - surprising tasty
* Avocado $2.50 (2 large one)
This is a $16.00 menu for 4 without drinks. It’s not the healthiest food around (the high sodium in the Wonton Soup), but it’s not bad meal at all according to my roommates.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AT&T Offers $10 DSL Plan

I was helping out a friend with computing / Internet so she can stay in touch with her daughter who’s studying aboard. Without a computer and limited Internet experience making recommendation was an interesting challenge. (Costs, Costs and bang for the buck).
I recall years ago, AT&T offered a basic DSL service for $14.95. It was call SBC-Yahoo. Of course, SBC is now AT&T (or the official name - at&t). The basic DSL offered at the time was about 768K down/384K up. That was good enough pretty much for everything I did before the now endless online streaming video and web pages laden with Java and Flash.

The new offers of $10 A Month is loaded with lot of restrictions, and the "Free Installation Kit" is gone. Check out this link for details or
Downstream Speed: Up to 768 Kbps
Upstream Speed: Up to 384 Kbps
When I terminated my DSL service, SBC didn’t ask me to return the equipment. I am glad that I saved the old equipment, because the $10 DSL Plan doesn’t include a FREE DSL Modem. You have to buy it now for $49.
I passed on the old equipment and save her $49.
Heavy users like myself, the higher bandwidth associated with even higher fees seem to be reasonable. But just checking email, may be limited use of Skype (VOIP / IM) –the $10 Plan may even seems a bit expensive.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Selling My Toyota Camry Online

I am in the process of selling my 2004 Toyota Camry LE. Many offers came in without even looking at the actual car and many posted their first question by asking whether I will negotiate for a lower price.
I priced the vehicle couple hundred dollars less than private party sale price. It’s a bit upsetting when getting calls, offering $2,000 less than what I think is the fair market value.
I like for car pricing information. It has worked for me in the past 10 years on buying and trading my own vehicles. Here is how Edmunds' comparing to the other popular car appraisal sites (Kelly Blue Book and NADA).
Trade in value (Clean)
7,900 Kelly Blue Book
10,450 NADA
Private Party Sales
9,690 Kelly Blue Book
NADA doesn’t show values for private party sales
Retail price (Excellent)
(since KBB and NADA only have values in Excellent Condition)
12,235 Edmunds
12,390 Kelly Blue Book
12,350 NADA
After checking out these numbers, I realize everyone was quoting numbers from Kelly Blue Book, no one was quoting NADA's. The fascinating part of this exercise, all three sources shows very similar numbers on retail pricing.
I am sticking to the my existing strategy – pricing the vehicle in accordance to Edmunds report - May be I will get a reasonable offer soon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

► Sago Palm – Turning Yellow – A Sign of Time (Bexar Drought Water)

Being a diligent resident in urban area relying heavily on Edward Aquifer, it’s important to me that I use water efficiently. It’s not hard to tell who’s trying hard to keep their yards “dark green” despite of serious on-going drought/and extreme high temperatures.
What worry me the most is about lacking of a clear long term strategy to overcoming water resource constraint in our area. In Bexar County metro area, we anticipate the population growth from current of 1.7 million to 2.8 millions by 2040. See Source Where can we tap in 60-70% more water?
I planted mostly drought tolerant and suitable for xeriscape. One of my favorite plants is Sago Palm (It is Not a true palm, but a member of the prehistoric family of cycads) I haven't watered Sago Palms in the past 5-6 years since the roots system was well established.
Couple weeks, the leaves were turning yellow and some even had black spots. I. panicked - how can a “bullet proof” plant going sick on my care?
As turn out – the “yellowing” is likely due to insufficient watering. Well, my plants are begging me to bring up my monthly water usage of 3,000 gallons to the neighborhood average of 8,900 gallons. See SAWS
Apparently, there is difference between “drought tolerant” and ‘drought resistant”. The only drought resistant plants I found in my yards are ‘weeds” and “St. Augustine” grass - they seems to come back alive, no matter what.
Xeriscape Plants can be found in my yards
Tree: Burn Oak/ Live Oak / Texas Red Oak / Chinkapin Oak
Almost Tree like: Texas Mountain laurel / Crapemyrtle / Photinia
Shrubs: Forsythia / Nandina / Oleander / Cleyera / Sago Palm / Texas Sage
Short/Ground covers: Asian Jasmine / Red Yucca / Lantana /